Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As the months went on, after moving home, I tried accept the fact that it was going to be a permanent move. At the same time I was cryng out to God frequently and asking Him to remove the continual pain I was in. I felt really confused about it all and why, in spite of my pleas, God didn’t remove the pain.

I really began to question whether God heard my prayers and if so, why He didn’t answer them.

It was in doing the art work below that I believe that God really showed me something. He showed me that whenever I prayed He did hear my prayers and did always answer them, just not in the ways that I had expected Him to.

                              He Always Answers

When we call out to God in times of need and desperation, He always answers.
However, he does not always change the circumstance.

What He does promise us though, is that he will be our strength and give us the peace we need to get through that circumstance.

This painting symbolises peace (blue) coming over like a wave. That all-encompassing peace leads to an upsurge of joy (yellow) in one's spirit, which then gives the emotional strength to be able to stand back from the circumstance and see our passions and dreams being fulfilled on the horizon.

It is in gaining this perspective that we are then able to turn the next page in the book of our life.

© Gabrielle Bryce
14th July, 2001

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


In the months after moving home, trying to deal with the reality of living with constant pain, I felt as though my life was in a continual downward spiral. I struggled to do everything that I had so easily done prior to all the neurosurgery. Everything I tried to do now seemed to only make my pain so much worse.

I was painting during this time and as I was doing one painting I believe God showed me something. He helped me to see that there was a very real difference between being on this downward spiral and being in a vicious cycle (which was what I had also felt I was in at times). Unlike a cycle, a spiral could be reversed. This realisation led to my completing the artwork and writing about what I could now see, that in having HOPE I could reverse the downward spiral I felt I was on.

The Upward Spiral of Hope

When God gives us the Peace
To know that we can do all things through Him
For He will be our strength,
Dread and anxiety
Are replaced with eager anticipation and dreams

It is in having this hope
And looking forward to our tomorrows
That we are able to reverse
Any downward spiral of despair
Gabrielle Bryce

Saturday, June 4, 2011


In the first months of my moving home I really struggled to cope with the continual pain I was in, and with having lost what had been my life. It was during this time that I wrote ‘Living in the Now’.


Living in the Now

Tomorrow is not here
And in some small way
We must get through today
And live as only we know how.

Walking ‘in the now’ takes all two feet
But with one foot in the past
It is impossible to complete
Real steps
Real steps towards

Real steps towards a hope-FULL future

Both feet in the present

Taking wee steps in the now

Is the only way to freedom
The only way to live
Right here. Right now
In this moment

We must rid ourselves of our past guilt-debts
And actively deal with and face our fears
So that we can truly appreciate
This moment that is here

© Gabrielle Bryce

17 October, 2000